类别: 品牌
客户: Tonzom
年份: 2020
Category: branding
Client: Tonzom
Year: 2020
TONZOM 以“自然的力量造福肌肤”为口号,一直在思考和探索。创造任何人都可以放心使用的产品。亲近自然,远离有害。努力把自然能量原封不动地融入产品中 ,我们不以欺骗的方式对待它。新鲜(FRESH)、安全(SAFE)、诚实(HONEST)、这些是我们将保持并实践的价值
With the slogan of "benefiting the skin with the power of nature", we have been thinking and exploring Create products that anyone can safely use. Close to nature, away from harmful.
Try to integrate natural energy into the product intact. We don't treat it in a deceptive way.Fresh, safe, honest, these are the values we will maintain and practice
Try to integrate natural energy into the product intact. We don't treat it in a deceptive way.Fresh, safe, honest, these are the values we will maintain and practice

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