类别: 品牌 / 包装
客户: 伊菲慕
年份: 2022
Category: Brand / Packaging
Client: Roiphem
Year: 2022
ROIPHEM伊菲慕洗护系列创立于2021年,精工于鱼子酱洗护用品。专注于个人洗浴护理领域的产品的研发、生产与销售。给予使用者 从产品功效出发到身心满足、放松的全方位洗护体验。致力于探索自然元素与人体机能的平衡。
Founded in 2021, the ROIPHEM Effimu washing and care series is dedicated to caviar washing and care products. Products focusing on personal bath care R&D, production and sales. Provide users with an all-round washing and care experience from product efficacy to physical and mental satisfaction and relaxation. Committed to exploration Balance between natural elements and human functions.
· 游弋深蓝水底,穿梭碧绿藻丛。水定义着灵感与新生的无限希望 · 北纬44°东经80°的赛里木湖水域,驻留着大西洋绵延千里的水氲。每年长达数月的冰封,使其保留着天山山脉千年的圣洁与原秘,有着高原黄金之称的鲟鱼子(Caviar)在此孕 育,沉淀着焕发新生活力的自然奥义。 伊菲慕来自美国西海岸的皮肤科研实验室,致力 于探索自然元素与人体机能的平衡。
一次偶然的边疆寻访经历,让鲟鱼子(Caviar)精粹提取物的活性焕新的奥秘得以被发掘。 秉持自然守恒法则,一切源于自然,又终归于自然。伊菲慕以天然精华为蓝本,唤醒人 体细胞活力与机能再生,在沿用西方主流的陶氏萃取法的基础上,不断探索鲟鱼子 (Caviar) 萃取物的人体吸化导入技术,预防和改善肤质老化问题,让青春之貌不再被时光 左右,使美的刹那延续至恒。
· Swimming under the deep blue water, shuttling through the green algae. Water defines inspiration and unlimited hope of rebirth.
· The waters of Sayram Lake, 44 ° N and 80 ° E, host thousands of miles of Atlantic water. The ice cover lasting for several months every year keeps the thousand years of holiness and mystery of the Tianshan Mountains. The sturgeon roe (Caviar), which is known as the gold of the plateau, is bred here, and it is filled with the natural mystery of new vitality. Effimu comes from the skin research laboratory on the west coast of the United States, and is committed to exploring the balance between natural elements and human function.
Founded in 2021, the ROIPHEM Effimu washing and care series is dedicated to caviar washing and care products. Products focusing on personal bath care R&D, production and sales. Provide users with an all-round washing and care experience from product efficacy to physical and mental satisfaction and relaxation. Committed to exploration Balance between natural elements and human functions.
· 游弋深蓝水底,穿梭碧绿藻丛。水定义着灵感与新生的无限希望 · 北纬44°东经80°的赛里木湖水域,驻留着大西洋绵延千里的水氲。每年长达数月的冰封,使其保留着天山山脉千年的圣洁与原秘,有着高原黄金之称的鲟鱼子(Caviar)在此孕 育,沉淀着焕发新生活力的自然奥义。 伊菲慕来自美国西海岸的皮肤科研实验室,致力 于探索自然元素与人体机能的平衡。
一次偶然的边疆寻访经历,让鲟鱼子(Caviar)精粹提取物的活性焕新的奥秘得以被发掘。 秉持自然守恒法则,一切源于自然,又终归于自然。伊菲慕以天然精华为蓝本,唤醒人 体细胞活力与机能再生,在沿用西方主流的陶氏萃取法的基础上,不断探索鲟鱼子 (Caviar) 萃取物的人体吸化导入技术,预防和改善肤质老化问题,让青春之貌不再被时光 左右,使美的刹那延续至恒。
· Swimming under the deep blue water, shuttling through the green algae. Water defines inspiration and unlimited hope of rebirth.
· The waters of Sayram Lake, 44 ° N and 80 ° E, host thousands of miles of Atlantic water. The ice cover lasting for several months every year keeps the thousand years of holiness and mystery of the Tianshan Mountains. The sturgeon roe (Caviar), which is known as the gold of the plateau, is bred here, and it is filled with the natural mystery of new vitality. Effimu comes from the skin research laboratory on the west coast of the United States, and is committed to exploring the balance between natural elements and human function.

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